Trilogy of Money Walks


The Trilogy of Walks with the Energy of Money includes:

  • Invitation to three 30-minute walks and following Zoom call

  • For each walk there will be a suggested inquiry

  • and information on how to join a Collective Walk

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The Trilogy of Walks with the Energy of Money includes:

  • Invitation to three 30-minute walks and following Zoom call

  • For each walk there will be a suggested inquiry

  • and information on how to join a Collective Walk

The Trilogy of Walks with the Energy of Money includes:

  • Invitation to three 30-minute walks and following Zoom call

  • For each walk there will be a suggested inquiry

  • and information on how to join a Collective Walk


Participation in this offer is a personal journey of discovery that may take you to deep places and must therefore be undertaken with awareness. The offer is for your support. The organizer of this offer is under no obligation to provide psychological or other professional advice and nothing said during the sessions should be construed as such. The host is not liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial or commercial damage. The content of any communication during the sessions is the sole expression and opinion of the author or authors. You are fully responsible for your own decisions and actions.